Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Life's Biggest Project: Dance Central

Get your game on and dance dance! My Life's Biggest Project: Dance Central: "So last night after I posted my blog I went to Bricktown with a couple of friends and we had a blasty blast. Proof that you can go out have ..."

Dance Central

So last night after I posted my blog I went to Bricktown with a couple of friends and we had a blasty blast. Proof that you can go out have fun and guess what you don't have to drink. We started our night at Coyote Ugly and then worked our way over to some Pub/Tavern place (I don't remember the name). Regardless of what the name is it was a really nice place. After we came home I decided to chill and relax to some old school reruns of my favorite comedy series of all time, that's right Friends. My buddy Chrystle hooked me up with the entire series as a birthday present so I see a lot of reruns in my future as I am currently watching season three.

You know how I told you that I had homework that I needed to work on today, well let me tell you about that fiasco. I went to Wal-mart to get a picture printed for my press pass and what should have taken 15 minutes ended up taking an hour in a half. I was bored hanging out at Wally world and kept thinking there was so much more better things I could be doing with me time. I was also sad because in Tahlequah several of my friends work in the electronics department. Had I have been there I would have been getting my flirt on for an hour and a half, but instead I was forced to walk around the store pick things up and then with all my extra time decide that I didn't really need to buy the things that I had put in my cart. By the end of this trip I ended up walking out of the store with just my pictures for the bargin price of $1.49.

On my way home from Wal-mart I received a text from my friend Kat inviting me to a dance party at her apartment tonight. I said sure. As I've said before finding buddies to work out with is a plus as well as dancing being a great method of working out. This was an invite that I simply couldn't turn down. So what did I do you may ask? I went and got  my dance on.

By dance party Kat meant playing Dance Central on her boyfriend Jason's X-Box. I for one am not a big fan of video games (those of you who know me know why), but let me tell you something, I am now in love. We danced for like four and a half hours. We danced alone, we battled eachother and I worked up quite a sweat (probably because it was 75 degrees in the apartment). After tonight Kat may have a new friend at her apartment more than she bargained for, that is unless someone wants to purchase me an

Point to today's blog post is simple. Find something to do that constitutes working out that is also something you will enjoy. By the end of it not only will you have burned calories, but you will not realize that what you were doing was working out instead while you are cranking that solja boy you will be having the time of your life! Have any of you played this game? What's your favorite? If you haven't I strongly suggest you give it a try for yourself. Don't just take my word for it, but if you want to I must say that it is AWESOME :)