Friday, January 21, 2011

My Life's Biggest Project: TGIF

How has your friday been? Read all about mine here: My Life's Biggest Project: TGIF: "Hello world! How you been? Today I got to see one of my favorite friends! I hope that you are all having a wonderful Friday. I sure have. It..."


Hello world! How you been? Today I got to see one of my favorite friends! I hope that you are all having a wonderful Friday. I sure have. It's been kind of a lazy day, but my friend Adrienne got to come down for a job interview in OKC this morning and since she was out this way I kidnapped her for the day and the two of us got to catch up. I hadn't seen her since May so it was great to spend time with her. She looks fantastic by the way.

Adrienne has been going to a dietician and has been calorie cutting and watching what she eats and let me tell you how awesome she looks. Words can't begin to describe the transformation I have seen in her body. She is stunning. I would like to take some credit (as little as it may be) because she told me that one of the reason's she decided to work on her weight loss was to be competitive with me since I've started this blog. I told her I was happy to have been that for her, you know a little inspiration to continue on this project.

In actuality after getting to see her and talking to her about how much better she feels and all of that I would have to say that Adrienne is now my inspiration to keep at it. I have known her since I was in high school. She and I have both struggled with our weight and to see how happy and beautiful she is makes me aspire to be more like her. Adrienne is one of those girls who would be beautiful at any size, but she seemed genuinely happy which is motivation in itself.

Congratulations on all of your hard work and I hope to be as good at this as you. Yes I have lost weight, and yes I have not been as strict about this project as I need to be, but after seeing her it definitely put things into perspective for me. I had that surgery which really has put a damper on this for me and limited my ability on several levels, but I am not a quitter. I was talking to my friend who works with me in student services and she told me that even under these circumstances she still thinks it is great that I haven't put any of the weight back on.

I haven't lost any more since I started losing, but I also haven't gained and maintaining weight loss is one of the biggst struggles that people have, especially women. Just to know that there are people out there rooting for me to be successful really helps me want to do well. It's funny because there are days that I think is anyone really reading this stuff that I post and then I will run into someone who tells me about my blog. I know that they have actually read it because they tell me about something that I have said and it inspires me to do better.

Basically what I am telling you is that your feedback is critical. Knowing that you are out there, that you are reading this and that my words mean something to you is the most important thing to me. I do not want to let you down because you are my accountability buddies. So from the bottom of my heart thank you to all who are still reading and I promise to keep at it! I will post more exciting things for you to read tomorrow, but I felt like it was important to let you know where I was at today.

Tommorrow I am dedicating my day to homework because it is that time again and research, not only about the HCG diet which has caught my attention, but also good old school research. The end of this semester is right around the corner and I have a lot of future plans to make. I just thought that today would be a good time to tell you all reading this how much you are appreciated. So again Thank you! Have a good night and I'll talk to all tomorrow :)